February’s Activities

Bed Comfort

February was another busy month for Oar Blimey.  The thought of resting only gave George and Russ another job to sort…their cabin cushion, or rather the mattress which they’ll be sleeping on.

The boys agreed on a firm mattress and opted for the self-build solution.  George sourced the foam and cut it to the size and shape of the boat cabin.

After trying to stitch the waterproof fabric around the foam, George broke the sewing machine and ended up calling the emergency help service…Shirlee from Stich-Up Sewing in Mansfield! 

George with broken sewing machine
Shirlee the Stitch-Up sewing expert

Shirlee knew exactly what the boys needed and used her technical expertise to improve the mattress design.  A few days later, Russ was pulling it into the cabin for a sleep-trial.


Russ pulling the bedding into the cabin

More Practical Bits

The original boat batteries were charged and refitted, only to find they are nearing the end of their useful life and will need to be replaced before crossing the Atlantic.  New oar locks to hold the oars in position when the boat is at sea were fitted and the footboards were also replaced.  


New oar lock
Footboards fitted

Working with Our Charities and Others

On Valentine’s Day, George shared some love with Our Dementia Choir and gave them an update on the Atlantic Challenge.  A few days later, an update meeting was held with Ladybrook Enterprises Ltd.  Interviews were also given to Tony Delahunty on Radio Mansfield 103.2FM and John Smith of Mansfield and Ashfield’s Chad newspaper.

George updating Our Dementia Choir
George and Carrie Austin

George supported Carrie Austin and her mental health exhibition at Mansfield Museum.  This is Carrie’s month-long mental health exhibition which was opened by Our Dementia Choir.  This free photography exhibition runs until Saturday, March 25.

General Update Summary

Overall, the refurbishment work is on course to get the boat afloat in April with the first outing planned on the Caledonian Canal in Scotland at Easter.

The publicity surrounding the Atlantic Challenge is increasing and the major sponsors are still being sought.


Partner with us, sponsor us or simply donate – every bit of your help and support is extremely welcome and will help Oar Blimey complete the Atlantic Challenge and raise funds to help people live with dementia. 

Recognition & Thanks

Big thanks to Shirlee at Stitch-Up in Mansfield who managed to pick up the pieces and sew them all together.  You are an angel.